Support & improve your baby's natural sleep pattern

Calm moments for tired moms: AumioBaby is your companion for healthy baby sleep and gives you the precious rest you deserve.

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Full access to sleep sounds & scientific articles about baby sleep and parenting

Develop your intuition with the diary feature & establish your individual routine

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Features To Support Your Intuition 

Numerous audios, scientifically sound tips, and features to support your baby’s natural rhythm. For babies from 0 - 24 months.

Sounds made for dreaming

A good night's sleep for better days: soundscapes, everyday noises, and melodies help your baby relax and gently carry them to sleep.

Does white noise help my baby to fall asleep?

Learn from Aumio's experts whether "white noise" is truly the secret recipe for more sleep.

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The right time for a great day

Capture your baby's natural rhythm in just a few clicks. Shape your intuition and discover your personalized routine.

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Connect with other parents

Become a part of the AumioBaby community and share your experiences and parent hacks with fellow parents.

“A healthy sleep schedule leads to better wake phases - the foundation for a good start in life."

Jean Ochel
Clinical Psychologist,
Mindfulness Trainer & AumioBaby Developer

About us

Reliable & Safe for Babies and Parents

Support you can trust: ad-free, developed by experts. Suitable for babies from 0 - 24 months. 

Sleep diary, soundscapes & expert knowledge at your fingertips

Learn about your baby’s sleep cycles and find out which techniques and rituals could help you to fall asleep.

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Scientifically sound

AumioBaby is developed by psychologists and verified by sleep experts, so you get personalized support you can trust.

Tested by parents, loved by babies

We constantly develop AumioBaby in close exchange with families, so we can help even more babies sleep.

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