Three week newborn baby: Milestones and development schedule

Welcome to the magical three-week mark! At this stage, your newborn is still adjusting to life outside the womb, and each day brings delightful new changes—those sweet stretches, sleepy gazes, and even those adorable yawns that seem to capture all the wonder of this new world. Parenthood at this stage is a mix of awe and exhaustion, but every little milestone feels like a triumph.

As you navigate this phase, you may find yourself wondering: What should my baby be doing at three weeks? Are they growing and developing as they should? How can I support their progress while surviving the newborn phase myself? Don’t worry—you’re not alone, and these questions are all part of the parenting journey.

In this blog, we’ll explore your three-week-old’s milestones, from physical growth to feeding and sleep patterns. We’ll also share tips to help you navigate this special stage with confidence. Let’s dive into the amazing world of your newborn’s development!

What to expect

At three weeks old, your baby is in the midst of the newborn phase—a time of incredible growth and development. Here’s what you can expect in the days and weeks ahead for both you and your little one:

Social and emotional development: How is your baby connecting with you?

At three weeks, your baby is just beginning to build connections with the world—and you’re the center of it! Here’s what to look for:

  • Seeking comfort: Through your voice and touch, your baby finds solace in your presence, which serves as their ultimate source of security. Skin-to-skin contact not only calms them but also strengthens your bond. Cuddling during quiet moments can foster this vital connection.
  • Fleeting smiles: While it might still be a reflex, those tiny, fleeting smiles are heart-melting. They signal early social development as your baby starts associating your care with comfort.
  • Responding to sounds: Your baby may turn their head toward your voice or a soothing lullaby. These moments build the foundation for future communication.

Parent-to-Parent Tip: Talk to your baby often. Describe what you’re doing in a calm, gentle voice—like saying, “Now we’re changing your diaper; it’s nice and fresh!” or “Mommy loves you so much, little one.” These moments build connection and comfort.

As your baby strengthens their bond with you through these heartwarming moments, their physical abilities are also starting to shine. Let’s explore how their movements are developing and what milestones to watch for.

Physical and motor skills: What movements can you expect?

Your baby’s movements at three weeks may seem small, but they’re the building blocks for future milestones. Here’s what you might notice:

  • Head lifting: During tummy time, your baby may briefly lift their head and turn it side to side, helping to build neck and shoulder strength. Most babies can begin tummy time a day or two after birth, but it’s important to ensure their umbilical cord stump is healing or has healed to avoid irritation. Start with two to three short sessions of 30 seconds to 1 minute each day. As your baby grows and gains strength, you can gradually increase the duration and frequency of tummy time sessions throughout the day. Always supervise your baby during tummy time to ensure their safety.
  • Stretching and kicking: Those adorable stretches and kicks are more than just cute — they help strengthen your baby’s core, back, and leg muscles, which are essential for milestones like rolling over.
  • Grasp reflex: Place your finger in their palm, and they’ll instinctively grip it—a reflex that won’t last forever, so enjoy it while you can!
  • Startle reflex (Moro): The Moro reflex, one of many reflexes seen at birth, is a normal response to loud noises or sudden movements. It causes your baby to throw their arms out and then bring them back in, mimicking a startle response. This reflex is entirely normal and typically fades away by 3 to 6 months of age. To help your baby feel more secure during this period, you can try light swaddling, which provides a sense of comfort and reduces the startling effect.

Remember every kick and stretch with ease! Happy Baby helps you monitor physical milestones and provides daily activity suggestions to support your baby’s development. Try it now!

Tummy time tips:

  • Lay your baby on a soft mat for short sessions (1–2 minutes) a few times a day.
  • Check with your pediatrician or midwife before the first session to ensure your baby is comfortable.
  • Place a mirror or high-contrast toy within their line of sight to encourage head lifting.
  • Always supervise and cheer them on with encouraging words like, “Look at you lifting that head!”

Cognitive development: What’s going on in their brain?

Your baby’s brain is a busy hub of growth and learning, even in these early weeks. Here’s what’s happening:

  • Exploring their senses: Your baby’s vision is still blurry, but they can focus on objects 8–12 inches away—perfect for gazing at your face. So, snuggle up close and enjoy those precious bonding moments!
  • Recognizing patterns: High-contrast images (like black-and-white stripes) capture your baby’s attention as their visual skills develop.
  • Learning cause and effect: When they cry, and you respond, your baby learns that their actions have consequences—a critical cognitive milestone.

Guess What? Offering visual stimulation with simple black-and-white toys or books can boost your baby’s cognitive skills. Hold your baby close so they can study your facial expressions.

Make remembering milestones simple. Happy Baby provides age-appropriate activities and tracks your baby’s cognitive progress with ease. Start using it today to nurture your baby’s growing mind!

Your baby’s cognitive milestones are just the beginning of their exciting developmental journey. With so much growth happening, proper nutrition plays a key role in supporting their overall progress. Let’s take a closer look at how to meet their feeding needs effectively.

Feeding and nutrition: How much Is enough?

Three-week-old babies are eating machines! Their tiny tummies may demand frequent feedings to support their rapid growth. At this age their stomache is roughly the size of an egg. That’s why feeding your little one regularly is the key to keep them happy and full.


  • Feeding frequency: Most newborns feed every 2–3 hours, whether they’re breastfed or formula-fed. Expect around 8–12 feedings in 24 hours. It’s a lot, but you can do it!
  • Cluster feeding: Your baby may have periods of frequent nursing or bottle feeding. This is normal and helps boost milk supply for breastfeeding moms.
  • Spitting up: A little spit-up is common as their digestive system matures. Keep burping them during and after feeds to minimize discomfort.

Parent Tip: When burping your baby, support their head and neck while keeping their tummy and back straight (not curled up). Gently rub or pat their back to help release any trapped air. No need to spend too much time on this, just a couple of minutes should do the trick.

Recognizing Hunger and Fullness Cues:

  • When it comes to hunger cues, you might notice a few signs that your little one is ready to eat. They might start rooting around, sucking on their hands, or even making those smacking sounds. If they start crying, that's usually a late sign that they’re really hungry. Just keep an eye out for those early cues.
  • In terms of fullness cues, it’s important to pay attention to a few signs. If your little one starts slowing down while eating, turning their head away, or relaxing their hands, those are good indicators that they might be full.

Practical Feeding Tips:

  • For breastfeeding moms, ensure your baby has a deep and proper latch to make feeding more effective. A good latch means that your baby’s mouth should cover a significant portion of the areola. This maximizes feeding efficiency.
  • If bottle feeding, hold the bottle at a slight angle to prevent air intake and burp your baby halfway through.
  • Keep track of wet and soiled diapers to monitor feeding success—around 6–8 wet diapers daily is a healthy sign.

Happy Baby simplifies feeding routines by helping you monitor schedules, hunger patterns, and growth progress—all in one place. Stay informed and confident about your baby’s nutrition.

Feeding and sleeping often go hand in hand during these early weeks. With your baby's growth spurts and evolving needs, let’s explore how their sleep patterns are shaping up to support their development.

Sleep patterns: Are they sleeping (or not)?

Sleep during the newborn phase is as unpredictable as it is essential for your baby’s growth and development. Here’s what you can expect:

  • Sleep duration: Newborns typically sleep 16–17 hours a day, but it’s broken into short stretches. Nighttime sleep and daytime naps often blur together. 
  • Frequent waking: Your baby’s small stomach means they wake frequently for feedings—sometimes every 2–3 hours.
  • Noisy sleep: Don’t be surprised if your baby grunts, whimpers, or even smiles in their sleep. These sounds are part of their developing nervous system.

Helpful Hint: Establish a calming bedtime routine, like dimming the lights, swaddling, and playing soothing white noise. Consistency can make sleep a bit easier for everyone.

Happy Baby offers a variety of soothing sounds, including white noise, gentle lullabies, and custom sleep soundscapes designed to calm your baby and help them drift off to sleep. Create the perfect sleep environment for your little one with ease!


Health and safety tips for your 3-week-old baby

Your baby’s health and safety are key priorities at three weeks. While the next pediatric visit might not be until the one-month mark, staying vigilant is essential.

  1. Vitamin D Supplements: Breast milk may lack adequate vitamin D. Pediatricians often recommend drops to support healthy bone development—check with yours for guidance.
  2. Managing Gas and Tummy Upset: Gas discomfort is common. Remedies like gripe water or gas drops may help, but consult your doctor first. Gentle tummy massages or bicycle leg movements can also offer relief.
  3. Swaddling Safely: Swaddling soothes discomfort and aids sleep. Avoid swaddling too tightly around the hips to prevent hip dysplasia, and always place your baby on their back to sleep.
  4. Daily Baby Care:
    • Circumcision: The site should be healed. Contact your doctor if you notice redness or swelling.
    • Clogged Tear Ducts: Clean watery or crusty eyes with a warm cloth; these typically resolve on their own.
  5. Skin Care:
    • Baby Acne: It’s harmless and temporary—avoid using soaps and over-bathing.
    • Cradle Cap: Use a baby brush or oil to massage and remove scaly patches gently; never pick at them.

When to Call the Doctor: Trust your instincts. If your baby seems unusually in discomfort, lethargic, or shows signs of illness, don’t hesitate to reach out to your pediatrician. Frequent wet diapers and steady weight gain are good signs of a healthy, thriving baby.

As your baby grows, you might encounter periods of sleep regression. Here is a blog for you to learn more about Sleep Regression and how to navigate these phases. Also, this blog on Newborn Sleep Schedule will help guide you to tackle any question that may arise within you.

Sleep assistance

Sleep aids

Short & sweet

At three weeks, your baby is growing and learning at an incredible rate. From tiny reflex smiles to wobbly head lifts, every milestone is a step toward their next adventure.

Parenthood during the newborn stage can feel like a rollercoaster of sleepless nights and endless wonder. But remember, these precious moments pass quickly, so soak in all the cuddles, coos, and quirks. Take breaks when you need to, lean on loved ones for support, and trust that your love and care are exactly what your baby needs.

Need help navigating your baby’s sleep milestones? The Happy Baby app offers personalized schedules, milestone tracking, and expert advice tailored to your baby’s needs.

Try now

FAQ - Everything else you should know

1. How much should my 3-week-old baby eat?

2. Is it normal for my baby to be discomforted at three weeks?

3. How can I help my baby sleep longer at night?

4. When should I worry about missed milestones?

5. What’s the best way to bond with my 3-week-old?

