Baby development and milestones at 2 months

If it has been 2 months since you've welcomed a tiny human into your life, you might be feeling a mix of joy, exhaustion, and a sprinkle of confusion. Trust me, you’re not alone!

Two months in, and your little one is already making some serious moves, well, as serious as wobbly head lifts and wide-eyed stares can get. At this stage, your baby is basically a tiny scientist, absorbing the world one gurgle at a time. 

They’re starting to recognize your face, track movement, and experiment with their newfound vocal skills. But with all these changes, you might also be wondering: Are they on track? Should they be doing more? (Spoiler alert: Every baby develops at their own pace, so take deep breaths.) Don’t worry; we’ve got your back!

In this guide, we’ll walk through the key milestones your two-month-old might hit, what to expect in their development, and how you can support them. 

Let’s get started!

What to expect?

At 2 months, your little one is starting to emerge from the sleepy haze of those first few weeks. They’re no longer just cute little burritos wrapped in swaddles; they’re beginning to show off their personality, and it’s a delightful sight to behold! 

So, what’s happening in that tiny brain of theirs? What milestones should you be on the lookout for? Today, we will explore their developments and milestones. 

Here is what we are going to discuss:

Social and emotional development milestones

At two months, your baby is starting to show they’re more than just a tiny milk-powered creature; they’re a social butterfly in training. You’ll notice more eye contact, adorable little smiles (yes, real ones, not just gas!), and even some early attempts at “conversations” with coos and gurgles [1]. 

While their emotional expressions are still in the early stages, you’ll start to see hints of their personality. 

2-month-old milestones for social and emotional development:

  • Smiles in response to faces and voices.
  • Holds eye contact for longer periods.
  • Turns head toward familiar voices.
  • Moves excitedly when seeing loved ones.
  • Calms down when comforted by a caregiver.
  • Shows different facial expressions for happiness and discomfort.

At this stage, your baby is learning the ropes of human connection—one coo, giggle, and heart-melting smile at a time.

While your little ones started their growth at the stage of 2 months, it is helpful to monitor their sleep and other schedules. With Happy Baby, you will be able to easily track naps, nighttime sleep, feeding, and diaper changes all in one place. 

Language and communication milestones

Right now, your baby is discovering that communication is more than just crying (finally!). You’ll start hearing soft coos, gurgles, and little “ah-goo” sounds. They’re also getting better at reacting to your voice, turning their head when you talk, and even pausing as if they’re waiting for their turn in the conversation. 

While they haven’t mastered the art of small talk yet, they’re soaking in every word you say, setting the stage for future babbling marathons.

2-month-old milestones for language and communication development:

  • Makes cooing and gurgling sounds.
  • Responds to voices with sounds or movements.
  • Turns head toward talking or singing.
  • Watches your mouth while you speak.
  • Pauses as if waiting for a response.
  • Reacts to different tones of voice.
  • Cries with varying pitches to express needs.

Your little one is in the early stages of learning how to “talk,” and right now, your voice is their favorite sound in the world!

Cognitive development milestones

During their second month, your baby’s brain is working overtime, turning them into little detectives who constantly observe, process, and react to the world around them. They’re more alert, tracking objects with their eyes and starting to recognize familiar faces [2] (congrats, you made the VIP list!). 

Their memory is improving too, so they’re beginning to anticipate things, like getting excited when they hear your voice or when it’s feeding time 

2-month-old milestones for cognitive development:

  • Follows moving objects with their eyes.
  • Recognizes familiar faces from a short distance.
  • Reacts to sudden sounds with blinks or movement.
  • Becomes more alert and focused during playtime.
  • Begins exploring their hands by bringing them closer to their face.

Your baby’s mind is a sponge right now, soaking in every sight, sound, and silly face you make. So, keep chatting, singing, and making goofy expressions. They love it more than you think!

Physical and movement development milestones

Your 2-month-old baby is still figuring out this whole “moving” thing, but they’re making progress! Their neck strength is improving, so they can briefly lift their head during tummy time, though it might wobble like a bobblehead. 

Their arms and legs are getting stronger, leading to more energetic kicks and random flailing (a future dance move in the making?). They’re also discovering their hands, sometimes clenching them into tiny fists or even accidentally smacking themselves in the face, learning is a process!

2-month-old milestones for physical and motor development:

  • Lifts head for a couple of seconds during tummy time.
  • Moves arms and legs more purposefully.
  • Opens and closes hands instead of keeping them clenched.
  • Brings hands to mouth for self-soothing.
  • Tries to push up slightly when on their tummy.
  • Turns head side to side when lying on their back.
  • Starts to grasp objects placed in their hand.

Your little one is working hard on their motor skills, even if it sometimes looks like an accidental workout routine. Keep encouraging movement!

Food and nutrition

During this time, your baby’s menu is still pretty simple: milk, milk, and more milk. Whether you’re breastfeeding, formula-feeding, or a mix of both, your baby’s tiny tummy needs frequent refills to keep up with rapid growth [3]. 

They’re eating every 2–4 hours, with some babies cluster-feeding during growth spurts (because, apparently, sleeping and eating separately is too much to ask). No solid foods, no water yet, just milk, delivered fresh on demand.

2-month-old milestones for food:

  • Breast milk (the ultimate all-in-one nutrition package).
  • Infant formula (for those who are formula-fed or supplementing).
  • Vitamin D drops (if recommended by your doctor).
  • That’s it, no solids, no water, no juice!

Your little one’s digestive system is still in the early stages, so for now, it’s all about milk-powered growth. Don’t worry; there will be plenty of messy mealtime adventures soon enough!

Want to be more efficient when it comes to keeping track of feeding? Happy Baby is here to help you. It easily keeps track of your baby’s feeding schedule and reduces the chances of missed feeding times! You can easily log your baby’s first feeding time and keep track for the whole day!  

Signs to monitor and when to seek help

Every baby develops at their own pace, but sometimes, certain signs may suggest they need a little extra support. If your baby seems overly stiff, floppy, unresponsive or isn’t showing interest in faces or sounds, it’s worth checking in with a doctor. Trust your instincts; you know your baby best!

Signs to monitor and when to seek help:

  • Rarely moves their arms or legs or seems unusually stiff or floppy.
  • Doesn’t respond to loud sounds or voices.
  • Has trouble focusing on faces or tracking objects.
  • Doesn’t smile at all, even briefly.
  • Struggles to latch or feed properly.
  • Has difficulty lifting their head during tummy time.
  • Cries excessively despite being comforted.

If something doesn’t feel right, you’re not overthinking it, reaching out for advice is always okay. You are not alone! Your pediatrician is there to support you and your baby every step of the way!

Parental support and resources

Parenting a two-month-old is equal parts magical and exhausting. Between sleepless nights and endless diaper changes, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed. But you’re not alone—there’s support, guidance, and plenty of resources to help you through this stage.

Options for support and resources:

  • Parenting groups or online communities.
  • Lactation consultants for feeding support.
  • Helplines for emotional support.
  • Parenting apps for tips and advice.
  • Family and friends for extra hands.

Raising a newborn isn’t easy, but you’re doing an incredible job. Support is always there when you need it!

Sleep assistance

Sleep aids

Short & Sweet

Remember, every baby is unique and develops at their own pace, so try not to compare your little one’s progress with others. While milestones are helpful guidelines, it’s perfectly normal if your baby is moving at their own speed. If you ever have concerns, don’t hesitate to reach out to your healthcare provider. They’re there to offer guidance and reassurance, and you’ve got this parenting thing under control! 

Puzzled with tracking naps, feedings, and diaper changes, everything at once! Now your one-time solution, Happy Baby is here! This app combines expert knowledge with AI-driven technology to provide personalized, adaptive sleep schedules tailored to each baby’s unique needs!

Try now

FAQ - Everything else you should know

1. How much sleep should my 2-month-old get?

2. Can I start tummy time if my baby doesn't like it?

3. When will my baby start holding their head up?

4. What’s the best way to help my baby’s eye coordination?

5. Should my 2-month-old be making sounds other than crying?

