The journey starts with you!
Download Aumio for free and start off with your child in the first galaxy. Try it out!
Children can meditate just like adults — they even have one huge advantage! The positive effects of regular mindfulness practice are also the same. With the right exercises, meditation for children becomes Children's game.
Meditation for kids in a fast-paced age
It is no longer a secret that meditation and mindfulness promote mental health and for more Relaxation and balance in everyday life worry. It has almost become a trending topic that is attracting more and more attention. But what is it about the mindful trend of 'meditation'?
More and more adults are using mindfulness techniques to prepare themselves for the challenges of our fast world and to live more consciously. There are numerous different offers, ranging from freely accessible to paid to digital or real — i.e. physical.
Kids too are not protected from the numerous stimuli and influences of the environment and experience severe stress often even more unfiltered than adults. Nevertheless, the idea that they too could benefit from meditation practices is still relatively new and the range is correspondingly small. Aumio is the first meditation app for children in Germany and is intended to change exactly that!
Meditation is about fully immersing yourself in the here and now. And to focus all attention on a sensory impression or thing, for example. This could be breathing or a specific area of the body.
With practice, this creates a kind of thoughtlessness, inner peace and the awareness of mindful experience. And even if you get lost in thought processes, your breath as a constant companion helps you to bring focus back to the here and now. You can't go wrong when it comes to meditation!
There are various types of meditation that can be done while sitting, standing, walking, or lying down. You can also find a bit of everything here in Aumioversum.
You can meditate from anywhere and anytime!
Because of its high energy levels and constantly active and almost limitless imagination, many people believe that meditation is not suitable for children. After all, meditation requires peace, patience and concentration. Completely doing nothing and thinking nothing seems feasible for children for barely a minute! Or is it? And if!
Children can meditate just as well as adults! And the positive effects of regular mindfulness practice are also the same. Children are often more open-minded and curious than most adults. That even gives them a huge advantage during meditation! Because it is precisely these qualities that are needed to be able to perceive what is happening on the inside completely value-free.
The list of positive effects and potentials is almost endless! With regular practice, however, you will probably notice some of the following changes:
Does that sound too good to be true?
In fact, the positive effects of mindfulness and meditation have been scientifically proven time and again in recent years. And that also for children. Die The effectiveness of meditation for children has been proven by numerous empirical studies.
Aumio's content is also constantly being reviewed. A clinical trial is currently underway to confirm the effectiveness of Aumio's mindfulness exercises. Here you can find more information on the scientific background.
Did you already know?
It has even been proven that the brain structure changes sustainably as a result of regular mindfulness practice and that areas responsible for empathy, for example, grow!
Mindfulness is for all kids suitable! Shy, anxious, emotional, unfocused, stressed or even sleepless children can meditate.
Even fidgety or motor restless children with ADHD symptoms can practice mindfulness and benefit from the effects — with missions that adapt to their activity level. The exercises help you find peace and relaxation. This allows children to focus their energy and use it more effectively.
Aumio has exciting missions for numerous topics ready to explore and breathe deeply! The exercises can be used to solve a problem yourself at the moment, but also to prepare for future challenges. Because meditation also has a preventive effect. This is how children can even on carefree days Recharge your batteries of strength and trust!
To keep exploring your own inner cosmos exciting, our exercises are designed to be age-appropriate and playful. Younger children in particular are helped to think in images that correspond to their age and level of development. In this way, they remain curious and can fully engage in the mindfulness exercises.
In Aumio's meditations, it can happen that children move back and forth gently like a blade of grass in the wind in order to feel the balance of their own body.
Or hang their worries on a big balloon that simply floats away with the grief.
That is why our exercises are Not on a meditation cushion, but in space instead of! Together with the space creature Aumio, children embark on intergalactic exploration missions, fly through space and learn how to deal with the environment, their fellow human beings and in particular: With yourself.
Thoughts become gently passing shooting stars and the inhabitants of distant galaxies have special characteristics that you may recognize in yourself. Aumio shows you how to easily handle these special features. Just try it out!
Start your meditation journey and discover the inner cosmos within you!
As with any other training, this also applies to mindfulness. In order for the practice to have its full effect and achieve the desired effects, it is necessary to stick with it. At first, it takes a bit of practice to stay focused and not fly away with shooting mind stars — that's completely normal! It will work out better and better over time.
Our tip: Create a routine and make your favorite exercises an integral part of everyday family life! It helps enormously to link mindfulness practice to a specific event.
Always the same time and always the same place are the magic formula here! In this way, children can incorporate mindfulness practice into their day and adjust to it internally. This helps you to feel more comfortable with the exercises and to fully engage in them.